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Could This Chap Have Been An Addict In Desperate Need Of Pharmaceuticals...

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sandyRoe | 22:36 Fri 14th Jun 2013 | ChatterBank
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So much for her security people! Were they the same the olympic committe hired for the games back in 2012?
A man sticks all sorts of letters through my door every day. Sometimes he even knocks and hands me parcels...
That must be Bond, 2sp, Basildon Bond. He has many letters after his name.
"This is the last thing she needs to be dealing with right now."

As opposed to ...?
Breaking her nails opening a fridge door!
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or talking to another undercover newspaper reporter?
It might be that she is not up to speed on how much ice to put in her cocktails!

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Could This Chap Have Been An Addict In Desperate Need Of Pharmaceuticals...

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