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Jeza | 23:33 Fri 14th Jun 2013 | ChatterBank
34 Answers
That over 300 people have been awarded the British Empire Medal. Maybe I'm missing something but I thought the Empire ceased to exist many years ago.


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I am really pleased Mic cannot read what is being said.
It's rubbish anyway Jeza, give mic my regards.............
tbh, I don't know why you guys monitor the dark side. You know what a pack of scabies it is. I shouldn't imagine anyone there is bothering to impersonate me, but I couldn't care less if they do and I'm not about to check.
Take no notice Jeza, they do this now and again. Last year was the last time I think.
True jno, I must stop doing it. :-(
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To mamya and craft. As I said earlier I will not tell mic about this even though we don't keep secrets. I think this is an exception as he would be gutted. He is in bed and has been since 6.30 ish. I will pass on your hugs to him and I thank you for your support.
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How do I find out what was said last year tony?
addiction is a terrible thing, craft, but you can fight it :-)
Jeza, it wasn't MicMac last year, it was various other AB posters.
True jno..............lights another fag
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Craft can I have one of your fags and a large gin if you have any to spare?
Anytime Jeza..............Bombay Sapphire okay?
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I should laugh this off. So hopefully the gin and the fag will help. I do wonder at times why SOME people can be both nasty and cruel.

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