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Why Convert To Rc ?

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modeller | 10:38 Tue 11th Jun 2013 | Religion & Spirituality
91 Answers
I watched the exposé of the Vatican last night .Silence in the House of God,
which was shocking in the extreme but afterwards, I thought why have over 1000 parishioners and 60 Anglican clerics joined the RC Church in the past two years.

If you asked these same people . Would you join an organisation that supports and protects paedophiles ? We know what their answer would be be but that is precisely what they are doing.


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People convert because the Anglican church is heading towards accepting Gay marriage and already has women priests , as simple as that. They can not even see or think about anything other. Over 90% of the converts are female and 'straight'. The same people (House of Laity) who overturned the proposal to allow women bishops in the Anglican Church, despite...
14:54 Sat 15th Jun 2013
Once, given at the right moment, is all that is needed.
when do you think that might be?
When the pupil is ready the teacher appears.
//.... and I'm a Scientologist! ;o)//

. . . and I'm the Virgin Mary :o/
Haaaaa! A veritable saint! :o)
Will the pupil recognise the teacher when he/she appears grasshopper?
"I am going to pose a question." King Milinda said to Venerable Nagasena, "Can you answer?"
Nagasena said, "Please ask your question."
The king said,"I have already asked."
Nagasena said, "I have already answered."
The king said, "What did you answer?"
Nagasena said, "What did you ask?"
The king said, " I asked nothing."
Nagasena said, "I answered nothing."
Well they both have a problem with semantics and pedantry, perhaps you can learn something from your post Khandro
"you have learned well, Grasshopper" :)
jomifl; You have answered my question :-)
@ Khandro, I am glad that you think so.

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Why Convert To Rc ?

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