Quizzes & Puzzles109 mins ago
Welcome to ChatterBank the home of natter and nonsense on The AnswerBank. You could ask serious questions here, but don't expect serious answersPlease try to keep ChatterBank clear of political discussion and news. There are better categories for these topics.
ChatterBank is a place for natter and fun. ChatterBank is not to be a place for gloom and doom threads regarding current affairs.
barry1010 I also refer to the Site Rules 11. Any posts asking or discussing why a post or thread was removed or closed, or why a member was banned or suspended, will be removed. ... ...
Could anyone let me know exactly how many members AB has? Appears there are quite a few but only a handful post.
looks like your support for me has got you in the bad books too.
I stopped looking into them after I caught a glimpse of an old man looking back at me. I was shocked, thinking there must be some dark, satanic power at work. Can you manage without using them?
And it's dry outside again with the sun hinting that it may join us for the day! That's all we need - a good few days of dry weather & sunshine to perk us all up! Yesterday morning I put a whole... ...
To Flotus this time?
https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Huddersfield_Daily_Examiner If your surname was Ankers, would you really give son the initial W? ...
I've just received a letter informing me that my benefit will be increased by April. Since when has old age pension been classified as a benefit? I have paid out for National Insurance... ...
Wasn't sure where to post this to be honest. Just been reading some articles in The London Economic online. One gave me pause for thought. "A reminder that the US invoked NATO's article 5 after... ...
... on your 100th birthday, would you be pleased? A friend's granny received one and threw it straight in the bin because the king was with Camilla in the picture on the front. For the record I... ...
I was up at 5.15am (the 1st time!) but thought it might be a tad too early to post as nobody would reply! So did a few jobs etc, went back to bed for an hour and lost track of time!
Bright blue... ...
Bright blue... ...
I might buy a couple, toast them, and eat with scrambled eggs. Tomorrow's the start of Lent but it has faded into insignificance when compared with the austere regime of Ramadan the followers of... ...
It's obvious that Trump paints his face and neck with some orange coloured concoction. I saw a photograph of his VP, Vance, who appeared to be wearing mascara. There's no implied criticism in my... ...
As the good ship Mod sails over the horizon a secondary front is opened in a frantic attempt to divert attention from a failed job application but is shut down by cooler heads. 🤣
I have ten cans of chickpeas, the remainder of a tray of them I bought in Costco during lockdown when I thought we'd starve to death. I do like chickpeas and have used lots up in various ways but... ...
Is buy some new socks, second to that is pay for a new roller blind...🥱 Can anyone beat that for interesting???
Billed as "a bold and original new reality dating format" Will you be watching it ? https://www.bbc.co.uk/mediacentre/2025/davina-mccall-to-host-stranded-on-honeymoon-island . . ... ...
I have a pair of black trouser with a large white strip down the side of each leg. The white stripe is now grey from the colour bleed - they have been washed several times - is it too late to save... ...
I have just calculated that my four children, my wife and myself pay £10,000 a year council taxes. That is madly excessive in my opinion. Comments welcome.
Got home bout 10.45 pm last night after our weekend in Portugal. Despite being very early in the year it was still a very lovely 16/17 degrees(with a few showers) but felt much warmer & yesterday... ...