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Shoule We Have Whip Round For The Mechanics Who Toiled Last Night To Fine Tune The Ab Engines?

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sandyRoe | 07:35 Wed 19th Jun 2013 | ChatterBank
16 Answers
IT seems to be running a lot smother this morning.


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Sssh Sandy don't speak too soon lol. I've just put thruppence in the cap btw.
not so, the page is dropping out so often,
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3d? Are you mad? I was think a penny each from us would be more than enough.
Soz Sandy....I found it under the sofa... it'll pay yours and em's now.
good on yer, kept dropping to the page not found so often.
Very slow this morning.
backspace a page and its dragging its heels, sloooow
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Maybe I spoke too soon. It took a long time for me to get to the questions answered section of my profile but that seems much quicker now. If it's no better, or worse for others, then, Instead of a whip round, should we petition the Ab Editor to give them a good whipping to waken up their ideas?
No, they finished an hour late!! Disgraceful!!
Oh no Ratter! Can I have my money back then please...seems I was too hasty in giving so soon...tut.
And they couldn't spell "Whoops" ! Or is WOOPS an acronym? If so,what?
What's improved then?
That would be lovely thanks, they do like to be appreciated sometimes :-)
Ed, I think they should be reprimanded and their pay docked for putting AB out of action for an extra hour over the prescribed time. Not acceptable!!
Fair point, but you did want the site back up and running didn't you?
Could they just be publicly whipped!

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Shoule We Have Whip Round For The Mechanics Who Toiled Last Night To Fine Tune The Ab Engines?

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