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James Gandolfini

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maggiebee | 08:30 Thu 20th Jun 2013 | ChatterBank
4 Answers
RIP James Gandolfini of The Sopranos. Taken too young at only 51. Loved this series, often violent but always funny too.


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I saw this on the news earlier .Very sad indeed .
He was brilliant in the Sopranos .RIP James .
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Sorry T&S, didn't notice you had already posted on this subject.
Very sad news indeed.

The Sopranos was one of my all time favourite TV dramas and Gandolfini
was excellent as Tony.
Did he die from natural causes or had Uncle Junior or Johnny Sac something to do with it?
I was shocked when I heard on the radio whilst driving, they said he was 51 and died of a heart attack on holiday in Italy. I loved him as Tony Soprano and once followed a London double decker bus because they had superimposed his photo on the whole of the back of the bus, followed it for a few miles until hubby said "where the hell are we going " forgot all about him sitting next to me and I went to see every film he was in. RIP Tony at least the Mafia did not have you whacked.

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James Gandolfini

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