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Is An Aversion To Hats Good Enough Reason To Turn Down A Job Offer?

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sandyRoe | 16:27 Fri 21st Jun 2013 | ChatterBank
17 Answers
That, and having to call customers 'sir' or 'madam' hardly seems reason enough to decline an offer of work. Will he be allowed to continue to claim job seekers allowance?


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don't think the hat was the issue, he didn't like the idea of calling people sir or madam either, as they say if you want to get ahead, get a hat.
They need to stop his free handouts, maybe he would then re-consider his position.
how else will he able to pay to go to Greece if he doesn't get his allowance?

Holiday to Greece eh!
JSA must pay well!
enforced haircut, no excuses then.
he's having a giraffe.............
I hope that he has some sort of sanction/reduction in your benefit for his pathetic behaviour.

It is people like you lot who is paying his benefit. My benefit expired or imploded and I would have worn a hat.....I think!
and it is a free hat!
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It seems to be a hatty sort of day. I coincidentally posted about buying a replacement hat earlier.

Paul told LBC that he has been on benefits for seven-and-a-half years and had previously lost a job after two weeks, due to arriving late twice.

He is going on holiday to Greece with his two adult children this year, but says he plans to continue with his job hunt. He addressed suggestions that he could do more to try to find a job by saying: “I swear to you I'm really not lazy."

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she's spilling the beans ^
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The model in JNO's link, I meant ^
that is from your link.
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Sorry, Em, our posts crossed

That is one ugly hat.

The guy seems like a bit of a prat. Even I managed to work for a couple of decades before I started having problems with my timekeeping.

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