We have a resident hedgie who lives under one of the front door plant pots. Those pots have not been disturbed for many years and particularly not in the past 2 years since we identified that is a hedgie house.
Over the last few evenings Mr (or Mrs) Hedgie has been venturing out earlier and earlier. 4 nights ago it was 7.30, last night it was 6, tonight he is about at 5.30. I always though that hedgies out in the day was a bad sign.
There is plenty of food for a hedgie in this garden - plus I put down cat food and raw eggs.
Good but dont over do it with egg, you may give it the runs and will dehydrate quickly, as squad says, moniter the situation, but jo says don't give 600 ibrofrofen, lol, get expert help tomorrow
Raw egg and cat food is better, high in protein, as I say it is early, mine come out at 9.30 ish, it could well bevtrying to get weight in as preg, everywhere is so dry, no beetles or worms,
Good luck and please update if you can. X
Good but dont over do it with egg, you may give it the runs and will dehydrate quickly, as squad says, moniter the situation, but jo says don't give 600 ibrofrofen, lol, get expert help tomorrow
Mine get chicken cat food, ham and some hedgehog seed that I get from birdfood.co.uk. You can get the seed in Asda, but its cheaper buying in bulk from the manufacturers. They also get a dish of water.
Sandy, I did a quick check re hedgehogs and peanuts and apparently they are good for them but it helps if you chop them up first (the nuts that is) ;-)