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Booking A Holiday.....

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EcclesCake | 15:16 Sat 22nd Jun 2013 | ChatterBank
17 Answers
......should be a joy not a chore :-(

Flippin' pain in the bum trying to sort flights and really doesn't need to be such a faff.....grrrrr!!!


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I can't bear booking holidays, the pure aggravation of doing it online wrecks my head. I long for the days of going to the travel agent and coming home with loads of brochures to look at.

OH wants to go to South Africa and incorporate a safari, not looking forward to speaking or booking that one. Thankfully it'll take a couple of years to save for it ;)
Doh, speaking to a tour operator!
You can still use a travel agent.
All our local ones are closing down. It's the brochures I miss!
Must admit it was a more relaxing experience.
Question Author
What would I have to moan about then Zacs???

I'm fiddling about trying to find best flight price and best deal on hotel, it is a juggling act but as I like a good moan I'll persevere :-)
when we went to Aussie this March, the tour operator took charge of everything.
She even rang us 2--3 days before we left to ask if everything was going ok, and on the day of our return. She was great. Mind you, holiday did cost a few bob.
Buy a package holiday
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I haven't been on a package holiday since I was 17.

I'm just getting grumpy trying to find the perfect combination for flight and hotel, the fact that we are flexible makes the solution more complex.
Look on the bright side Eccles. You don't have to organise a holiday with the MOST disorganised person on this planet together with his son who has to be surgically removed from his x box/laptop.

I have a feeling that 2 weeks in a tent near Blackpool will be the end of me.
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I just book all holidays and face the consequences when they go wrong...... A Paddington Bear Hard Stare usually deals with that problem!

Anyway, I think I've found direct flights at a sensible time of day so it's just the hotel I need to book now.

Hmmm, sun, sun, sun!!!
You get more protection with a package holiday
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Hopkirk, I fly scheduled and stay in hotels with a sensible cancellation policies plus I have good travel insurance, I'm quite happy with my level of protection.

Having said that the ease of buying off the shelf does appeal as I play the balancing act of flights and hotel at optimum price point and convenience.
Remember the Icelandic ash cloud?

Package holiday customers were looked after far better.

Scheduled flights can be cancelled.
Package holiday operators cannot just cancel charter flights.
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I remember the ash cloud vividly I had family stuck with me for eight days as their package holiday went tits up!

When,on the odd occasion, a scheduled flight has been cancelled I've been transferred to another scheduled flight, no big deal.

I do look to see if there are packages for the hotel we want to stay at and if the flight accommodation package is a good deal I will consider it. However on the odd occasion that I have found the right combo I've found it a better deal to book direct. I accept what you are saying about protection but overall I feel that I get a good deal, and yes I have had the rare problem and it was dealt with smoothly by the airline.

My direct dealing approach has worked and overall saved me money.
You're going away again?? Humph!
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The tan is fading and I'm running out of gin.......there's only one thing for it Smow......HOLIDAY!!!!!!

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Booking A Holiday.....

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