Is my goat pregnant? in The AnswerBank: Animals & Nature
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Is my goat pregnant?

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JessieLei | 00:12 Sat 04th Feb 2006 | Animals & Nature
5 Answers

I have a Boer goat that is about 2 years old. I had her bred about five months ago and she is supposed to kid in 4 days. She is huge, she has always been huge because she is basically a free range goat. She eats whatever and however much she wants. I am worried because she just looks fat to me. Of course I don't know much about goats. She hasn't made any kind of an udder and I am worried she may not be pregnant. Can you bump a kid in a goat like you can in a cow? Do most goats develope an udder prior to kidding? Should she be "springing" in her whoha? Please help.

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I don't really know an exact answer, but when I had goats, I found this site http://fiascofarm.com/sitemap.htm to be particurally helpful with all my goat questions. I hope it helps.

You say 'of course I don't know much about goats' so why take on the specialised job of breeding them?

I hope for your sake nothing goes wrong.

Sorry, that should have said hope for HER sake nothing goes wrong.

If she is pregnant, then I dread to think what the cravings would be...

Hard to believe that goats also have kids as well as humans...

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What I meant by "I don't know alot about goats" is that this is my first time actually kidding one. I am a dairy farmer, with alot of animal experience. The goats are a new learning experience and pets. Its not like the goat is in any serious danger because of my lack of specific goat knowledge. I was just hoping that maybe someone could give me some tips on how to reassure myself that she really is going to have a kid (Thanks Rainingfire4). Oh, you might want work on the way you phrase things, you really give a negative perception of yourself.

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Is my goat pregnant?

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