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Connemmara | 01:05 Thu 27th Jun 2013 | ChatterBank
10 Answers
When I had opportunity to re-read some of the posters most days - had so many answers for them (whether they be good or bad).


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Never mind, you are back now - take it steady.
Question Author
Hi Mamy - I am a very witty person in real life but find I am not successful portraying witty answers on these sites so feel am not my true self in answering - isn't it all about fun not being steady. Wish I was going steady LOL
I dunno Connie - I notice a shy little present subjunctive crouching at the end of your opening sentence

and I appreciate the irony of having a question title that says: answers
don't fret about it, nice to see you back conn.
Question Author
thanks Anne - nice to be back and be able to contribute again - but I may mind my manners mind you (alliteration?) xx Conne
ha ha, mind your manners. just remember we don't all have the same SOH. and reread your answers before posting. don't want you on the naughty step again, :)
Never mind 'Answers' - I didn't understand the question...

But I do enjoy your posts Conne x
I'm glad to see you back too Conne. Hope you stay this time, even though i must admit that i dont always understand your posts! lol, I always enjoy reading them x
Welcome back x
Question Author
Thanks all for your welcome back - for Sallas - hope you were ok last night. Mamy and myself were worried for you.

Did notice a few of you were on the naughty step too. lol Conne

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