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Connemmara | 21:10 Mon 08th Jul 2013 | ChatterBank
10 Answers
Since I am swelling up with this heat - my breasts are on my tummy, my tummy is on my knees, my knees are on my feet - I am going back the way I came in a foetus. Eh?


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Oh Conne, what a picture you paint - made me smile ♥
Conne, that's really creative thinking! :-)
You could make a small fortune in a travelling circus, Connemmara ;)
What an image you have just conjured up!!!
You're a case.
fao connemmara
Hi there - long time no see!
Guess this heat came all too suddenly but we were moaning about the cold weather!
Hope you are feeling better. We had a good day - were able to sit out in a shady spot and then two neighbours called on my wife by surprise - called up with the local gossip.
Then, of course, I come home to the empty house and it all goes flat but I think at least we enjoyed today together.
So come on conne - things could be worse - give me a smile.
Best wishes and love
Hello Jack. Haven't seen you around in a while. Glad you had a nice day. Even warmer tomorrow, I believe. Make the most of it.
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You must look like the Venus of Willendorf!
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Ah triggs - laughed at you mentioning the cracks - Oh Please!!!! - I nearly got suspended over that - and it was all about craic (ie ioirish for Crack oops maybe the drug Crack)

Hi Jacklee - glad you got a nice day with your wee wifeee - - she was probably glad to rid of you to get a bit of craic with her lady friends. You are doing good.

By the way guys as I was entering CU tonight - thought I was seeing things - but it was confirmed laters with one of my punters - my friend's uncle age 85 cycling home from Mass - and I can't even lift the leg into the bath. His name is Danny - Oh Danny Boy the pipes are calling. Danny call to me if you want with some of your energy Boy!!!!!.

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