I know... a very obvious thread. But I always double take when the car temp reading is 30 degrees in this country!!
My parents have just returned from Majorca and it was 2 degrees warmer in England than what they left behind.
How hot is it where you are?
26.5 in Co. Cavan in the Irish Republic this morning. It's not the heat but the humidity that makes it uncomfortable. When I lived in Mexico it was often over 40 degrees but as it was a dry heat it felt very comfortable.
Another unwelcome side effect of the heat is, being out in the country, the number of flies. Keeps my cat happy though, instead of mice he just goes for insects.
I try so hard not to moan Bbbananas but I genuinely feel ill all the time in the heat. Although I don't like it too cold I can cope better, the only time I am comfortable is in Spring and Autumn, it's almost like a condition with me but I am pleased for the people who are enjoying it.