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SIRandyraven | 19:40 Sun 21st Jul 2013 | ChatterBank
20 Answers
£5 on 8 pounds to 8 pounds 15 (?) ounce in weight
and name will be Victoria £5 on the nose.

Anyone else got money on the event ?


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Not thought about it, as long as it's not Rhianna. Got to have Elizabeth or Mary in it...or even Caroline.
or Diana if a girl. Bet one of her names will be that, even if it is the one at the end of the list. But then, perhaps it will be a boy.
I had a premonition I borrowed the Doctor Who Tardis to go forward in time to find out what happens and it turns out that it's a daughter called Elizabeth Diana.
Then I wake up and have my corn flakes for breakfast. Very surreal.
I've gone for Victoria too sirandy although Alexandra was favourite for a girl.
Did you do a double or two single bets?
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Just single bets
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Waynetta is 500-1
£10 on Chantelle.
Think it should be Imogene for a girl. What odds would I get?
Wayne for a boy and Chardonnay for a girl !
Frankie, Angus or Meredith if a boy

Princess, Zoe or Merlin if a girl
lol you mean she'll be "princess princess"?
Alexandra Victoria.
is there any news i've not been paying attention
No money on. But i think a girl called Charlotte. 8lbs 5
A fiver on Charlotte at 6 to 1
. . . . . and now it looks as if the baby will be a Leo. When's the cusp ?
no it's her first and so probably between 7lbs and 7lbs 8ozs. Still think Kate should use her grandmothers first name, both called Dorothy as it happens lol
What has it being her first got to do with the weight? My first was 8lb 9ozs, my mates was 12lb!
Fanriffic.....^^^ If you had cornflakes for breakfast, surely that was Cereal not Surreal.:-)

I had a dream (sad I know :) ) they had a boy named James, so i've put a fiver on that.

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