Oh, I don't mind horses themselves, as long as they are friendly and don't try to bite me. I grew up in the 50's and 60's, feeding Dartmoor ponies and have many happy memories.
Its the posh types that you see on their bloody backs that I can't stand. I am just an common oik I suppose but I hate being reminded of it !
To be honest, I struggle to see the point of horse ownership. You see people riding their horses so rarely that you wonder why they bother with the beasts in the first place. When you do see people out riding, they are usually walking in single file, down very narrow country lanes at speeds that I wouldn't have any trouble matching, and I am 18 stone. You never see them doing John Wayne impersonations ...you know...having a good gallop and whooping.
Most of the horses you see in the countryside are stuck in fields eating grass all day. They cost a fortune to keep, need shoeing very few weeks, and if you need to call the Vet out, its hundreds of pounds ! They seem to need lots of brushing and combing, and generally faffing about with, and they need somewhere warm and expensive to live in winter.