Where there is damage to another vehicle an offence is committed under the Road Traffic Act 1991, If the driver fails to stop and provide their name & address, the owner of the vehicle and the registration number to a person having reasonable grounds to require this information. The requirement to stop includes a requirement to remain at the scene as long as it is appropriate, it is a defence for the driver to prove they were not aware of an accident occurring but they then have a duty to report the accident within 24 hours of being aware , courts would probably be sympathetic to a person who did not stop if they could show they believed it dangerous to stop, the person who does not stop should report the accident to the police as soon as is possible but not later than 24 hours, it is at this stage insurance details must also be provided.
You say the Police did nothing then claim they gave you a faulty mobile telephone number, so they have contacted the driver, the Police will probably not be that interested if there was no personal injury but I would contact them again and remind them or the CPS of their duties under the RTA 1991.