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maggiebee | 10:11 Thu 25th Jul 2013 | ChatterBank
40 Answers
Now, I want to make it clear from the start that I'm not looking for sympathy! Just wanted to share that my darling daughter would have been 46 today. Sadly she passed away aged 5 and that's how I will always remember her. Felt I wanted to share as I feel nobody else remembers her now after all these years but I do.


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So sorry, maggiebee. I agree with the others that I'm sure there will be many who remember her, but find it hard to know what to say. Thinking of you xx
so sorry maggie. I feel like no-one remembesr my childrens birthdays either and it makes me sad
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That poem is beautiful Cupid, thank you so much.
Thinking of you maggiebee xxx
We never forget those that have passed over - no matter how long ago. Our thoughts are with you Maggie.
Thoughts from here, maggie. Try and remember the good times.
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Jordyboy, I do know a Cody who lived in Mill o' Mains but may be a different one.
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Maggie, heres the thing. no child should die before their parent, I cant imagine how you coped losing a 5year old child,and time will never heal your grief, what was her name ? take care anne,
Please accept a cyber hug. ((((((HUG)))))) xxx
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Anne, her name was Debbie and she was a wee monkey. Had just started school when she contracted meningitis. Still shudder when I hear that word. Thanks for asking.
Maggie as a mother I can only guess what today means to you
Do you have a special song?
Of course you remember her maggie.
Thinking of you, maggie.
I almost lost Queenie to the same disease when she was a baby, I count myself very lucky as she survived. I can't begin to imagine the pain of your loss though all I can do is send you hugs and tell you that I'm giving Queenie a special big hug tonight as 25 years ago today she was in the Special Care Unit at Elsie Inglis Hospital all wired up while her mum was a basket case. We'll be thinking of you tonight.
big hug (()) maggie
one of my cousins died from this when we were children together. i always remember his birthday.
I don't want a hug can give my special big hug to Maggie. She needs it more than I do. Maggie I'm thinking of you Hugs Queenie xxx
Debbie...........what a pretty name. was she the oldest of your children Maggie ?

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