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Song Quiz

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cupid04 | 23:04 Sun 28th Jul 2013 | Quizzes & Puzzles
15 Answers
Can anyone of you clever abers come up with a sixties song title with the
following letters:- SO A WATERFALL MOVED THINGS. [six words in the answer and the only clue I've got it was by a singer no longer with us.]


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Last night was made for love - Billy Fury (died 1983)
23:43 Sun 28th Jul 2013
I can't immediately see one from Elvis or Dusty Springfield or Roy Orbison
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thanks for trying. forgot to mention got to be british singer.
I am going through a list of songs with 6 words in the title, is that what we are looking for?
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ok cupid04, just making sure.x
...and it's an anagram? I started, thinking it was a clue. Not hot on 60s though!
You say the following letters. Do you mean words? Are those words in the song?
Last night was made for love - Billy Fury (died 1983)

How did you get that, Fibonacci???
Only one e, Fibonacci
Well Done Fibonacci !
Oh, bugger! Can't spell water! Sorry
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Tha nk you fbonacci. x
you're welcome

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