This is not a question, I just wanted to share my delight.
I was looking round the garden this morning and decided it was looking boring. The only colours, apart from the many shades of green, were the the lavender, a couple of pink phlox and some purple and white Veronica. So I went to Lidl and bought five Hydrangea pot plants and have dotted them around in between the shrubs and green plants.
What a difference. It looks like a completely different garden. I'm so pleased with myself.
We have a big pink hydrangea in our front garden, it's lovely this year. They do grow like the clappers though, we have to trim it down to nearly ground level each year.
If you put them in the ground, they will turn pink (if they are not already) - or not, depending on the acidity in your soil. They like hard pruning in the spring when the flower heads have fallen off (leave on the big heads overwinter).