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Has She Any Cause To Complain?

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anotheoldgit | 12:58 Mon 22nd Jul 2013 | News
89 Answers

We see many Far-Right protesters who have been beaten over the head by police with batons, but never hear of them making formal complaints.

Far-Left or Far-Right if they take p[art in such confrontations should expect to suffer the consequences.


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My point is this jake - when I have unwittingly offended any other AB'er, I have apologised, allowing for the fact that misunderstandings in printed communication are a hazard of the medium.

Similarly, when I recently posted a link to what I thought was a head-and-shoulders image of a adult film star, i was unaware that it linked to some pictures of her - ahem! - about her business shall we say, the filters on my work PC didn't open the link for me to see when i posted it.

However, when my link was removed, and other AB'ers explained why, i was mortified and imediately (and i stress imediately!) posted an explanation and fulsome apology for any unintended embarassment or site rule transgression.

That is the way I conduct myself - if i upset someone, however unwittingly, i will apologise immediately.

i simply thought it appropriate that AOG did the same, not because I am 'commanding' -as he refers to in his last response to me - but because that is courtesy and respect for others.

It apears that AOG does not share my position, which given his sensitivity to what he perceives as personal attacks, is a shame - you get what you give in my experience.

Matter closed I guess.
"I was unaware what that site represented"

That would seem to be an acceptance of his error, although he did rather light the touch paper and run away. It got the response he was expecting in his, but then goes on to claim peronal persecution which is melodramatic to say the least.

Not sure he should leave on account of his embarassment, but thats up to him really.
I don't believe anyone on either 'wing' is in the business of witch hunting.

I think we should all move on - but remember that this was not resolved as quickly and easily as it could have been.
Time to zap this thread I think - and let everyone get back to normal - including AOG. We all make mistakes.
Agreed naomi - I just hope AOG is still picking up these messages.

That ^^^^^ should read 2nd and 3rd pages not 1st and 2nd
AOG - "You then went on almost demanding that I apologised, to the rest of the sensitive shrinking violets that took offence, this in turn caused the AB-Ed to get involved and openly chastised me in front of my accusers, which he failed to do to another ABer a while back, when that person posted on AB a pornographic illustration of a new stamp, which was not removed until I complained, it would seem that some are treated more leniently than others, but then they do not have a pack of baying hounds forever on their heels, waiting to pounce on every occasion."

You were rude to me, and posted offensive material.

I took you up on both.

You requested proof.

It has been provided.

You accuse me of 'virtually demanding' an apology when you know i did no such thing - I specifically said that I was not in the business of 'demanding' anything.

And STILL you see this 'conspiracy' against you by some imagined left-wing cabal on this site.

In closure AOG - I think you should have apologised for your 'Nazi' post, albeit done without malice, if offence is caused, an apology is a polite response.

You have chosen not to do so, your choice, but it is noted by those who disagree with you, and they respond accordingly, not because they jump on any bandwaggons, or because they are perceived 'lefties' or any of the other terms you trot out when you are one of your 'poor me' jags like this one.

I am stepping off this merry-go-round with you - thanks again to Baldric for support - not requested or expected in case you think we are in league.

You cannot be bumptious and rude one day, and shoulder-shrugging and wonder why 'everyone is out to get you' the next.

You called me childish, among your other insults - it does take one to know one.

Now let's move on.
This thread needs to die.
Agreed. Ed's Edit: Thread closed.

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