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Credit Card Which one!!!!!!

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admarlow | 15:27 Mon 13th Feb 2006 | Business & Finance
6 Answers
What credit card should I get? I need it to go to Thailand with?. 0% on purchases would be good on stuff I bought over there.....


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To save 2.75% on exchange rates, a Nationwide card. Don't now if they have an 0% offer or not.
have a look at MORGAN STANLEY or type in "best credit card" on a search engine

Sainsbury's Bank offer a credit card with 0% for 10 months on purchases.

I have the Morgan Stanley (MS) Platinum card with cashback - however, MS do not offer a card with 0% on purchases. I have always used my credit card for purchases overseas wihout charge. The bank have always exchanged the amount straight back to sterling.

Cash withdrawals with a credit card are subject to a cash handling fee; whether initiated in the UK or overseas.

Sorry - made an error. Morgan Stanley DO offer 0% on purchases and balance transfers with their GOLD card.

Good luck with the search!

Go to and do the test for yourself.
Having checked, Nationwide do offer a 0% on purchase card.

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Credit Card Which one!!!!!!

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