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Was On A Bit Of A Downer

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albaqwerty | 14:37 Tue 06th Aug 2013 | ChatterBank
56 Answers
lack of finances, the usual that we all endure.

However, Mr Alba has cheered me up. Oh, do behave. :-)
He was supposed to take a load of washing to his dad's, forgot it, so I shoved that in our clapped out machine. He came back for it, but took a different load, so whilst I was getting that sorted, asked him to get the soap power ready.
'Where is it' he asks
I just muttered under my breath :-D


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lol but it is true what Sqad says .I tell my daughter these were the good old days and she says what would you do now without your computer .
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Sqadlet, and for that, I'm keeping my basque on
A basque Alba the mind boggles.
alba.......I bloody hate basques.........even worse on women.
She means Liberty Bodice.
It always makes me chuckle when all these gullible ladies really believe that men are incapable of domestic tasks. Keep it up chaps, they'll never twig.

What's a Posser? it's not a word I've come across before!
ooooohh squaddie - but you look so gorgeous in your pink and silver one - so sparklie!!
early days with mr sloop, he rang to ask me if I wanted anything from the shops on his way in:
yes, can you pick up some bay leaves
long pause, then the reply
er, do they come in tins?
oh Squad shame on you ! Your mummy never dragged you up proper. It isn't the eleventh commandment Man shall not help about the house.
So glad I was never shackled to a dinosaur like you ! We all help out there are no pink and blue jobs in this house and never have been
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wish I hadn't said that now, reminds me of the punchline of a joke about keeping all your basques in one exit :-D

Mamya, surely there was nothing liberating about a liberty bodice?

Squadlet, any thoughts about letting the air flow around nether regions for health benefits ? see to the washing and i will attend to your "nether regions."
Canary, is it just an act? ha ha. He swears he's trying to learn. He even bragged that he now knows which one's the washer lol.
There's a rat scuttling about behind the skirting board, right ladies "On you go and get it". Aye right!!
On a Sunday, I would give the "old lady" a treat, I would take her with me to the pub and get her settled outside on a seat with a packet of cheese and onion crisps and a half of lager, before i went back in for a drink with the lads.
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Rats I can handle, mice nah, no :-)

Half a lager I'd swallow in a flash, I got a deep sea swallow.
swollow? Deep throat? ach, whichever.

You lot really do cheer me up no end xxx

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