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Just Back From Aldi.....

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Jeza | 15:26 Tue 06th Aug 2013 | ChatterBank
44 Answers
The woman in the checkout in front of me had a trolley full of shopping. She appeared to be bulk buying. !0 of this 10 of that etc. The lad on the till said to here "Do you run a cafe". Her reply "Mind your own fecking business". The lad on the till went bright red. Why are some people so rude.


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I once bought about £3 pounds worth of veg and cold meat in Asda (Glasgow). The checkout girl asked, "Any chance of a ticket for the party?" LOL.
Well done Jeza, I agree with everything you have said, and thank you for reassuring the lad.
Good job you were there to cheer him up.
No need to as rude as she was. Just a friendly reply would have been enough. We chat with our customers but not on a personal level. I judge it by how they are with me first but some go OTT and one started telling me about an itching she had under he bust and was continually scratching them under her T Shirt all through he lunch. Some get more personal the more they come in but we dont want to know all their personal stuff, but you have to try to be polite and move onto the next person. I never judge people by what they buy to eat, as they can be as greedy as they like.

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Just Back From Aldi.....

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