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Good Morning Early Birds!

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waterboatman | 03:14 Sat 17th Aug 2013 | ChatterBank
118 Answers
It's Saturday. I'm on the canal today so it's bound to rain. Wet weather gear is the order of the day then!

Have a happy day everyone.


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Woo ... post 100 goes to ... ME!

Bye Boaty xx. Wotcha jj xx
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Just caught you JJ! :o}

gotta go! Byeee!
Morning everybloody.
JJ, who are Brighton losing to today?
Morning girls :-)

Things will pick up, Zacs.

I think we're away to Birmingham.
Yo, Minty x
Morning zac x sunny x
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Remember this version......

I have to be moving too, morning JJ, Jordy and Zac, as well as sunny-dave
Bye DT x
Time to poodle , see you later xx
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Good morning all. We even had rain last night?

Waterboatman may I ask what canal you are on?
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morning all. nice to see you.

up early and everything ready to go out for the day but don't want to walk round in the rain so not going now.

will have to find something else not to do.
Morning all......need to work of some tension by digging the garden but it's blowing a gale here...will undo all the good work the rain did.
So...curtain sewing again I think. x

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Good Morning Early Birds!

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