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The Americans On Tv Tonight

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Dee Sa | 00:16 Sun 25th Aug 2013 | ChatterBank
4 Answers
I have watched each episode and was expecting great things tonight on the last in the series, the producer has left it very much up in the air presume so they can do another series. Most disappointing thought the FBI would have caught them but no they ran around chasing their own tails.


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i didn't watch it at all, there's quite a lot good started now, Under The Dome is excellent you should try that.
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will do, I did enjoy the Americans though just a bit miffed about the ending.
Hows Garth ?
If the FBI had caught them,bang would go season 2;-) But i agree with you,the idea that they evaded so many armed,professional shots etc was just plain stupid! As with so many other tv shoot outs,I was bewildered why they don't SHOOT THE TYRES ;-) But common sense doesnt aid tv a lot! Roll on season 2 though,it's good to see something so different !
I saw this ages ago and am very confused about the ending. Not sure I saw the end, was the daughter just searching behind the washing machine? Is that the end, if so then very confusing, but enjoyed the series very much.

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The Americans On Tv Tonight

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