Please tell me what I should do on a seasonal basis to ensure I get fruit?
I am feeding and watering my south facing plants- but they seem reluctant to fruit.....I have a grapevine which did produce small fruitlets in its first or second season, although because we are in Scotland I don't expect grapes to grow here! The others are a dwarf apple and fruit cherry which are in their second and third season.
I know absolutely nothing about green things planted in the ground that grow; but Mrs Hymie knows a thing or two.
Many fruit bearing plants are not self-seeding and require a ‘partner’ plant in close proximity for pollination. If you know the fruit verity, you can easily check on-line whether your plants are self-seeding or not.
Thanks for your reply.....I am aware of the pollination thing, but I don't understand why I would get solitary fruits on these and then - nothing!
Ah well -I'll see what happens next season.....
note though that not all apple varieties flower at the same time - careful not to but a partner for it that is incompatible if you decide to play matchmaker ;c)