It was the year of the Somme and a million casualties on both sides.
Parole ( limited licences ) was given to British POWs in Germany for walks around the country side (that is for a few hours) and there was a formal office ceremony for it: you stood in front of a senior German Officer and said Yes I agree to the conditions..... etc
Repatriation had a more chequered history - most ended up not being repatriated
I found the article very interesting and did some more googling for more information on this guy.
I too wonder why some posts generate hundreds of replies and some only attract a couple, it is relative to who is on at the time.
I could post "Whats everyone having for tea?" and get 100 replies, yet this interesting article, people havent looked in on. I dont take it personally!!
I apologize, jd-1984, for perhaps stealing some threads from you. When I posted a similar question in History I didn't realize that you had this one going. Anyway, you're quite correct in what you say in your last post...cheers
I saw this article yesterday, and didn't question the fact that he returned to Germany. He had given his word to return, and as an officer and a gentleman was governed by that.