It is fairly easy to get started even without a tutorial. Once you are registered and in the my ebay area click on sell. Put in a few words of what it is like mens shirt, and it will suggest a category to sell it in. Choose the best category from list.
Make up a good title of what you are selling and follow the drop down offerings like size, material, style etc.
Upload up to 12 photographs free of charge and edit them if necessary within the ebay uploader.
Write what you want to say about what you are selling.
Choose if auction or buy it now and put in start price for the auction or the buy it now if that is what you want to do.
How many days out of 3, 5, 7 or 10.
How much you will charge for postage.
How many days will you dispatch in
and thats it.
I just plunged in and you get better with time.