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Last Night Of The Proms

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Caran | 22:43 Sat 07th Sep 2013 | ChatterBank
13 Answers
Watching this in hotel in Folkestone en route to France tomorrow. Had fantastic meal tonight in Greek restaurant in hotel. Called Hamlet hotel. We had whitebait starters, £3.95 each then an enormous greek mixed grill £14.95 for the two of us. So much we couldn't finish it. Small hotel but I would recommend it to anyone who needs an overnight stop in Folkestone.


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I really like this female conductor, she seems quite human and has brought the programme to life. Enjoyed the conch tonight very much.

Hi Caren, there's a "Anyone Singing Along"
thread also in CB

good evening Caran

safe journey tomorrow
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I certainly was but had to do it very quietly as in hotel room!!
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Thanks excelsior.
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Baldric I haven't got that far down yet!
I thought it felt rather flat this year, since they've dropped the Sea Shanties it's never seemed as good.
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I missed the sea shanties too.
Enjoy your time in France, Caran
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Thanks sandyRoe.
Spitting teeth and hair!! They're singing Auld Lang "Zyne" again!! For funks sake it's Auld Lang Syne and there is no such line as "for the sake of Auld Lang Syne in the song". Get it right or drop it all together. Makes my blood boil. Right, that's got that out of my system!
I know the Hotel, it's on the top of the cliffs (about 50yds away) and about 10 minutes from where my Mother was born and bred. Hope the seagulls don't keep you awake ☺☺

Pleasant trip to France.
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Thanks SlackAlice. Not heard any seagulls but earlier tonight there was lots of noises outside. Not sure whether it was fireworks, thunder or people dragging things around, very loud and lasted for about thirty minutes.

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Last Night Of The Proms

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