ChatterBank2 mins ago
The Saga Of The Veil, Continued
Further to AoGs recent post on wearing the Niqab at Birmingham Metropolitan University
(thread here)
http:// www.the answerb uk/News /Questi on12748 65.html
and another thread on the Muslim woman ordered by the judge to remove her veil, which I believe had a thread here also, although I cannot find it - it now appears that Birmingham Metropolitan University have now reversed themselves and will allow personal items of religious significance after all. Is this a humiliating climbdown, as described, or a sensible response to a protest against what some might have described as a draconian measure?
http:// www.bir mingham .uk/new s/local -news/b irmingh am-metr opolita n-colle ge-drop s-contr oversia l-59215 60
In that Birmingham Mail article, it also goes on to say that the judge who ordered the woman to remove her veil has also reversed himself and relented. This was also covered in the Guardian.
http:// www.the guardia orld/20 13/sep/ 12/judg e-allow s-musli m-woman -wear-n iqab
Again, sensible response or cowardly climbdown?
(thread here)
and another thread on the Muslim woman ordered by the judge to remove her veil, which I believe had a thread here also, although I cannot find it - it now appears that Birmingham Metropolitan University have now reversed themselves and will allow personal items of religious significance after all. Is this a humiliating climbdown, as described, or a sensible response to a protest against what some might have described as a draconian measure?
In that Birmingham Mail article, it also goes on to say that the judge who ordered the woman to remove her veil has also reversed himself and relented. This was also covered in the Guardian.
Again, sensible response or cowardly climbdown?
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For more on marking an answer as the "Best Answer", please visit our FAQ."actually Muslim women do claim to wear the veil because of its perceived practicality – it protects them from the ever- licentious male gaze and from man's alleged uncontrollable urges "
But that isn't an issue of practicality. Practicality is being able to cross a cattle grid in heels that will prevent you slipping between the bars :-)
But that isn't an issue of practicality. Practicality is being able to cross a cattle grid in heels that will prevent you slipping between the bars :-)
actually i have seen them fall on cattle grids, trying to get through one piece of farm land to another, and wham over they went, it wasn't really funny, just strange. Then another lot got out of the farmers field and rampaged straight through the caravan park nearby, over the cattle grid and road, havoc they caused...
Good article on this issue, I think
http:// egraph. ews/ukn ews/law -and-or der/103 08793/C ivilise d-socie ty-must -not-dr aw-a-ve il-over -the-ni qab.htm l
I don't think the word veil should be used to describe the niqab, which is an opaque piece of cloth made possibly out of sacking. To describe the niqab as a veil is an insult to the real veils which we see in this country at weddings and formal funerals. These are translucent and, as every man knows, rather sexy.
Could it be the men are joining their ranks?
http:// i.daily .uk/i/p ix/2013 /09/15/ article -242088 7-1BD31 B940000 05DC-88 2_306x4 23.jpg
And the women are revolting? (take that either way, according to your individual choice) [NOTE: may not be safe for work - Ed]
http:// i.daily .uk/i/p ix/2013 /09/15/ article -0-1BD3 1B5D000 005DC-3 73_306x 423.jpg
http:// i.daily .uk/i/p ix/2013 /09/15/ article -0-1BD2 49F6000 005DC-2 55_306x 423.jpg
http:// www.dai lymail. ews/art icle-24 20887/I ts-ones ie-none sie-Bal aclava- babygro s-nette d-bodys uits--L ondon-F ashion- Week-da ft-ever .html
And the women are revolting? (take that either way, according to your individual choice) [NOTE: may not be safe for work - Ed]
There has been a Government petition started over this and at the moment 5,563 have signed it, and it doesn't close till 20/12/13.
http:// epetiti ons.dir .uk/pet itions/ 43313
/// Your petition is about the burkah, AOG, which is a sack covering the whole body. The Naqib is a cloth covering the face only. ///
It matters not they are both ridiculous, and should be banned in this country especially in courts of law.
One judge has even banned them in his court in Pakistan.
Further reading on the subject.
http:// noburka .blogsp k/
/// Your petition is about the burkah, AOG, which is a sack covering the whole body. The Naqib is a cloth covering the face only. ///
It matters not they are both ridiculous, and should be banned in this country especially in courts of law.
One judge has even banned them in his court in Pakistan.
Further reading on the subject.
// I dont think that citizens of a country that lets people walk about with obscene messages on tee-shirts, and hoodies used to hide criminals, and men with no shirts and beer bellies is in any position to lecture other cultures about their dress code! //
We live in this country & if we wish to walk about with no shirts & a beer belly or with a hood on that is our prerogative ,OUR FACES are for all to see. If these women wish to live amongst us then they should not be allowed to dress in such a way that they offend our way of life. One of the things that we have always been used to is seeing someones facial expressions when we communicate with them. Once & for all let us stop this nonsense & legislate to make it legal for ALL to show their face in public.
We live in this country & if we wish to walk about with no shirts & a beer belly or with a hood on that is our prerogative ,OUR FACES are for all to see. If these women wish to live amongst us then they should not be allowed to dress in such a way that they offend our way of life. One of the things that we have always been used to is seeing someones facial expressions when we communicate with them. Once & for all let us stop this nonsense & legislate to make it legal for ALL to show their face in public.