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A Man's Wife...

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cupid04 | 17:56 Mon 16th Sep 2013 | Jokes
17 Answers
A man's wife slaps him every time she orgasms.
He doesn't mind - until she says she's been faking it!


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Oi, where are you getting these naughty joke from ;-)
hehe, naughty but good!

What a slapper!
Question Author
That'd be telling!!
C'mon cupid, fess up !.
Question Author
Are you a priest, now, tone? lol!
Personal experience?
Yes cupid, now step into my office lol.
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Lights out at 10pm, candles out at 10.15pm, lol!
This happens wick in, wick out?
Oi cupid that only counts for nuns !.
... and nuns have their habits...
Picturing a red faced Mr. Cupid
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Nun today and nun tomorrow!!
His he a proper Christian and always turns the other cheek .
Question Author
Tone, if sex is a pain in the arse, you're doing it wrong, lol!!!!
cupid, give your self best answer for that.

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A Man's Wife...

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