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What Area Is This ?

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Dee Sa | 20:21 Mon 16th Sep 2013 | ChatterBank
11 Answers
I have just had a phone call from an 0645 number, the minute I said hello they hung up, does anyone know which area this is, I wont ring back in case its a scam.


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It's a 'non-geographic' number.

0645 simply tells you that the caller is using Cable & Wireless as their telephone provider and that you'll pay local call rates if you phone that number. (0645 is Cable & Wireless's equivalent of BT's 0845)

a great directory. Input the full number, 9/10 the number is traced. I have 'enrolled'? (had a few drinks, can't think of the word!) in the TPS - which really works. Hardly have any calls these days
delete delete delete

I was going to suggest it might be a sex line, returning a call.

Chris's answer is probably a bit more thoroughly researched.
But I wouldn't call them back, it'll no doubt be a scam.
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thank you both, A/C thanks to you I have now found out its from overseas trying to sell, they have no chance and I keep a whistle handy for nuisances.
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jj I am surprised at you LOL ! I make the heavy breathing calls I don't receive them, that seems old hat now do people actually still do this ? when I was a young girl I worked for the GPO [post office telephones for the young] and there was an older woman working there and nothing phased her- she had heard it all- so when the caller told her had something red hot & throbbing to give her she replied " sounds about the size of the wart on the back of my neck ", she had an answer for everything & anyone.
Dee Sa, my mom was also a telephonist for the GPO, the telephone exchange was above the main post office in those days.
So was I Tony when it was please put 4d in the box.
Press button A or Button B, giveup !.
Oh God did you see the replay of the Ipcress File
Four pence in the black box !

and no STD (subscriber trunk dialling ) for those too young to remember
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I did not work in an exchange but in govt offices in London they kept moving you around I worked for Admiralty, Scotland Yard, Law Courts,
Guildhall and places like that, one place which shall be nameless we had men listening in to one person's calls for three months later he was arrested & charged with spying, but of course I had been moved before the arrest.

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