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The Inks Hardly Dried On This And Already It's Out Of Date...

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sandyRoe | 13:58 Mon 23rd Sep 2013 | ChatterBank
6 Answers
How much would it cost him to have it removed?


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Does he reall have a double penis?
Any tattoo that includes a date is bound to go out of date the day after it was created. Some people just don't think, particularly Sunderland footie fans it would seem.
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Best he keeps his vest on!
I have no sympathy whatsoever with anyone who gets a tattoo, for whatever reason. Only a tw*t would disfigure himself in such a way. Stupid man !
I'm with Mike on this one. What a stupid plonker! A similar thing happened some years ago when Cole (forgotten his Christian name) was transferred from Newcastle to Man United. Some idiot from Necastle had a tattoo done on the day of his transfer:-)

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