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Caran | 23:31 Tue 01st Oct 2013 | ChatterBank
7 Answers
We went to a local vineyard today for lunch and wine tastings. We had a voucher to use from daughter. The food was excellent, we had a bottle of wine included in the deal. On the wine list the wine was £17.50, but you could buy the wine from the shop for£8.81! How's that for a good bit of markup?


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That's normal restaurant mark up.
isn't £8.81 expensive for a bottle of plonk?
Yes, in the restaurant, it includes service, wages, overheads etc. So i would expect it to be a lot more.
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I certainly wouldn't pay £8.81 for a bottle of wine, I object to paying £4. That's why we go to France and stock up there. I occasionally by from Tesco's on line when they have bargains. I was horrified when I found out the price of the voucher it was £84.75!
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Sorry buy!
That's a really nice present. A vineyard voucher. What a good idea.

There's a Vineyard up the road from here, Bolney, where you can go for lunch. I expect lots of vineyards do that sort of thing.

Small vineyards dont do mass production. The wine in the vineyard shop at Bolney is around £15 to £20. The last time I was there, I bought some Bacchus, which I think was about £19 a bottle, from the shop. Nice, though.
i would not pay 17.50 for a bottle of wine, i would baulk at paying nearly 9 quid as well, it would have to be a decent wine, or a gift for family, friends.

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