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What Is Wrong Ed ?

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Dee Sa | 09:08 Fri 11th Oct 2013 | ChatterBank
20 Answers
today I cannot get any threads for 11/10/13 the last thread I have is SunnyDave yesterday aft, same yesterday none of the Good morning threads are there, can anyone explain or help me [ simple terms pls folks]I have not said anything out of order as far as I know.


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Something is wrong with AB - recent questions seem to be at the bottom instead of the top of the page. :-/
All the threads have been put in an upside down order Dee, they're all there but a pain in the bum to find. Have a look in Ed's Blog, there's a couple of threads there. I'm staying away til it's sorted, it's too annoying racking through latest posts.
Just logged on for this mornings catch up and loads of threads are missing and in wrong date order

A few threads going on this, it's down to AB,
I think the Gnomes are revolting,
or should that be rebelling?
Hope this problem is only temporary.
ooh errr, it's very weird isn't it?

I think it's something to do with the birds I saw earlier. Please tell me I wasn't imagining them down the left and right hand of my browser. Owls or something? Am I awake right now.
owls? I've not seen anything like that. Were they flying upside down, that is the question.
Oh not the owls again - please don't say they are back.
Dizmo. don't mention owls. Any other animal is ok - just not owls on Answerbank. There were a few strange threads a long time ago about owls. I will say no more.

Owls are in 'Motoring'
Don't worry Diz, you must have been on the most beautiful page of AB - the Motoring section
Oh god I'm not losing it then, well I am but at least not as quick as I thought.

What the hell are owls doing on motoring? Why am I even asking that question?
I'm going to do some job searching now, I need to get back into the real world.
Don't panic!

I'm sure they are working on it.
-- answer removed --
He's probably gone fishing.
I wonder if a gnome is able to play snooker. I just had this thought of a gnome trying to sink a few balls.

No really I'm going to go now as I'm starting to look and act like a troll. Laters y'all.
Dizmo, once you realise that you are in a crazy parallel universe here you are showing signs of recovery. Good luck with your rehabilitation.
Is that it? I thought the world had ended on Wednesday and I was the only one left!

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