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Jeremy Kyle

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Dee Sa | 00:36 Sat 12th Oct 2013 | ChatterBank
7 Answers
I stayed overnight at a friends house because she had a cataract removed, she has a much bigger tv than mine hers is on the wall, for the first time ever I noticed that Jezza wears a hair piece ! I have never noticed it before on my tv.


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Perhaps you watched it in HD

Hair Different
Is that right,Dee.
Any connection to the chemotherapy he had for testicular cancer?
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we wondered that too hc.
I can't really say I have noticed whether this odious man has a hairpiece or not, as I have never spent more than a second looking at this equally offensive program, before switching channels.
Does he ?
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minty ----- three choruses of "oh yes he does", personally I love the programme it makes me feel good about myself that I don't walk amongst them or I will say to myself - glad they don't live next door to me ! I can never understand why the majority on there all have rotten teeth as they are all on benefits and can get free dental treatment. Good job everybody is not the same, personally I would never have the nerve to go in his show.
Have a good weekend everyone.

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Jeremy Kyle

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