I have just got a View21 VW11FVRHD32 Digital TV Recorder and I want to connect it to the internet but the only spare cable I have in the house has a small end which fits in the back of the Recorder but the other end is like the one that goes directly into the telephone line on the wall, it looks like I need a a cable with two small ends so it fits into the back of my BT Home Hub 3.0. Does anyone know what this type of cable is called?
Thanks in advance.
The only sockets on the rear of my BT Home Hub 3 are one ASDL socket, four Ethernet sockets and one Infinity socket. My Smart TV connects to an Ethernet socket.
I know what the back of the BT Hub has but the cable I need seems to have a small ends at both ends not a small end one end and a bigger end that you put into a put into a phone line, I think I need a cable with two smalls ends like the end you put into an ASDL socket