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Typing Delays On Answerbank.

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trt | 21:15 Sat 05th Oct 2013 | ChatterBank
24 Answers
It takes a few seconds to come up on the screen but ok on other sites like e-mail etc.

Anybody have the same probs?


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*as well as the routers firewall.

Bah typos...
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Websites connect to other sites in order to display a page and to do some things in the background. For example, this particular webpage makes connections to 7 other sites, none of which are necessary for AB to function properly (but I do allow one of those, the connection to gravatar, just to see the avatars). For some other sites there can be up to a couple of dozen connections made. It only takes some of those to be a bit slow for the webpage that you are viewing to take longer than usual to display, and may have nothing to do with the visible contents of that page.

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