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I Don't Think I Want This...

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boxtops | 13:42 Sun 20th Oct 2013 | ChatterBank
12 Answers
...on my Christmas list User Recommendation


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Why ever not, boxy. Brilliant reading if you ever suffer from insomnia !
£795 for what exactly?!
bit expensive, this one's a lot cheaper to not want User Recommendation
Both look like guest publications on HIGNFY.
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ROFL jno, brilliant
if anyone's drawing up lists, this would be handy User Recommendation

just hintin';)

Hi sloopy,
the first edition was better imho!
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How about one of these? - as it says, an ideal Stocking Filler, LOL. User Recommendation
entirely agree balders, the second edition's omission of the chapter
"firkinellwhatpillockmissedthatwheresmybarstwardlifejacket" is a serious oversight imo
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This could come in handy on a long journey User Recommendation
I'm intrigued that the Americans think that Headcheese is a better term than brawn for the same stuff!

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I Don't Think I Want This...

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