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She Won !

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murraymints | 09:34 Fri 25th Oct 2013 | ChatterBank
15 Answers
For those of you that remember...the nurse we nominated for health award in Scotland for 2013 won !!.... we are all so pleased as she was a huge help during the worst of dad's illness....


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Great stuff, minty. Does she get a prize ?.
Question Author
A nice piece of crystal..and money to her dept....kudos on her cv....mum is overjoyed....
Good for her! And give yourself a pat on the back for nominating her.
That's really good news. Well done to her and to you, minty.
..kudos on her cv...

Certainly is, minty. Bet she could get a job anywhere now.
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I may need her myself one day tone !
brilliant news, well done minty - there are many unsung heroes and heroines, good to have recognition for a job well done.
Edinburgh royal murray ?
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Hi Anne xx. No the western General Edinburgh...
Good news, well done to her and you.
I am really please for you to nominate her and for her to win.

There are not enough tributes made to the nurses who do work hard.
Minty - fantastic news - bet Mum and Dad are over the moon.
Big WOOOOO HOOOOOO for the nurse involved and big respect to all nurses everywhere
Wonderful news minty! I'm so pleased, for you, for mum and dad and, of course, for that lovely nurse. And a big thank you to nurses and medics everywhere. You are all very special people.

nice to hear good news!
Excellent news. Sounds as if it was well-deserved.:D

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She Won !

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