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Don't Know If This Makes Sense.but Here Goes

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Jeza | 23:02 Fri 25th Oct 2013 | ChatterBank
11 Answers
Neither Mic or I have ever had debt with the exception of the mortgage which is now paid off, and has been for over 9 years.
After seeing tales on here about if you pay by credit card your rights are protected but debit cards do not have the same protection. I decided to apply for one.
I applied to Capital One. Despite owning my own home and in receipt of the state pension and a private pension they turned me down. No explanation given. This all happened about 5 weeks ago. Last week I rang my bank and told them and asked if they could help. Today I received a gold credit card from the Yorkshire Bank. So joy all round. Good old Yorkshire Bank.
Not a question I know, sorry.


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I've heard of people being turned down because they had no credit rating, silly isn't it...............
:) You have to embrace every bit of good news, Jeza.
It's probable that the bank knew you but Capital didn't. They would go to check at a credit reference agency. As you had no debts you'd not have much, if any, of a history for them to base their decision on.
I believe if you never have anything on credit you get a bad credit rating, jeza.
For the first time in my life I am solvent, have savings and own my flat outright. I couldn't get a credit card either.

I am glad you got one as they do have their uses.

I hope you are well.

Susan x
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I know I need to use it to keep it but it will be paid in full every month.
I buy many things on line, I now feel protected.
My son has no assets, no job, lives with us and is an alcoholic... guess what? He's been given a credit card! It don't make sense eh?
Question Author
Mo Masma it doesn't. I feel for you ♥
Thanks Jeza bless ya xx
the better you are with money the less interested a credit card company will be interested in you as they are unlikely to make money out of you.

credit card companies tend to accept people who are not going to pay the balance off at the end of the month, it sounds backwards but they are a business who need to make money. that is how they make money
when we came back to live in UK after 14 years abroad we could not get a credit card or hp, all we wanted was carpet before our furniture arrived to make it worse we moved into my dad's old house and he had never had one thing on credit, that is what they told us nothing is known about your address.

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