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How Far Souff Are You.

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cupid04 | 14:11 Sat 09th Nov 2013 | ChatterBank
51 Answers
I live near Souffend!


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I'm somewhere under the duvet with my kitties and all 3 us are living in a Fair City (that's me and two kitties)
lady janine snap
i dunno. i'm the star of page three.
I'm Essex & proud!
my kids dad was born in heygate avenue sarfend, just up from the front, his family had the kersal, his grandad is buried in the cemetary there.
dot, this kersal thing, did the group the Kersal Flyers name their self s after it ?.
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yep tone and it's spelt Kursaal!
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little does she know......... dropped her bikini............. lol!
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Years ago [before my time, lol] there used to be a motorbike wall of death thingy in the Kursaal. I remember hearing this from a biker minister I know.
I remember those wall of death things, used to be one on the travelling fun fair that comes every year close to where I live.
I'm south of the Mainland

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