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carrust | 21:36 Tue 12th Nov 2013 | ChatterBank
39 Answers
Anyone on here got a knob of butter? ;-)


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are we talking mille feuille here rusty, or just ordinary choux?
Plagiarising me......
Don't ask him that, hippy chick, you'll confuse him. well it's confused me anyway.
///are we talking mille feuille here rusty, or just ordinary choux? ///


just askin' tony in case he's making croquembouche, in which case,somebody gets to cut through the stack

with a sword
Well, I'm even more confused now, hippy chick. Must admit that I like the sound of the sword bit though.
Svejk, would that be rough puff or proper puff?
yogi xxx
Psybbo, have you been to the ambassador's reception with that plate?
It's Sloopy's fault, Tilly
Yes Tilly but croquembouche
Ah, I see.
Back to normal in a minute but I do love profiteroles


///Svejk, would that be rough puff or proper puff? ///

Both, if he's got enough money. ;)
Sweety, I'm................................disappointed.
Don't say that, cariad, your approval is all to me.
Anyway, me and crusty are pals. And, to be honest, I thought all the mille fleurs and crock'n'what's'its was the same sort of thing (only foreign)
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I'm more of a filo man, I like to dip it into my coq au vin;-)

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