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Cliff Blo@dy Richard *#*# :-(

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trt | 18:50 Tue 12th Nov 2013 | ChatterBank
17 Answers
He must have been on every chat show the past week flogging his new album!

Why dosent he just '' Move It '' back to his vine yard in Portugal or Barbados!!


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couldn't you switch over to the sci-fi channel?
I hate jealousy.
Could the wee dog at the start of that show be drugged? it sits very quiet
Maybe a No1 single for Christmas !.
Cliff doesn't live here anymore? ;-)
//Why dosent he just '' Move It '' back to his vine yard in Portugal or Barbados!! //

because there are plenty of punters who still want to see him or hear his music; how many of today's bright young stars will still be selling out huge venues when they're 73?
I blubbed when the blind man blubbed, bless him.
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##I hate jealousy.##

Jealous Postdog!!!!!, Not at all, I am heterosexual
Miss you nights, my fave.
I was actually joking, tongue in cheek, meaning his wealth and popularity. Bringing up his sexuality smacks a bit of homophobia....
'Willie and the hand jive', one of his favourite numbers, not heard much now...
Love Cliff, can't get enough of him. Think he has done a brilliant job with this record. I know they are all cover versions but he has done them HIS way and they sound so fresh and new.
Now I know why I don't have a telly
I remember a young spotty goofy toothed Cliffy, hasn't change much has he ? cant stand him at any price, once threw out of the car his tape that was playing Chief Stout was not amused and I was *issed at the time .
Who kissed you?
'unofficial' Cliff Richards calendar £1 at Poundland. Form an orderly queue!

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Cliff Blo@dy Richard *#*# :-(

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