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Tearinghair charged in with her CREDIT CARD as first player and first scorer. (2 points)
Rockfordill fancied a DINNER DATE at 9:03 (He didn't say with whom). (2 points)
Two minutes later, Brenden was the THIRD PARTY to score. (2 points)
Half an hour later, the third link of BIRTHDAY PRESENT was offered by Pixie373 along with a single for 'Third Party' for 3 points.
Later on Saturday evening, Elliemay1 became another double-hitter . . .
. . . but the surprise of the game was an incredible TRIPLE-HITTER who therefore well deserves the accolade of HOTSHOT.
***** HOTSHOT FOR *****
***** THIS WEEK IS *****
****** C L I F F Y G ******
In summary, this week's scorers were:
3 cliffyg
3 pixie373
2 Brenden
2 elliemay1
2 rockfordill
2 tearinghair
1 deecee131
1 kawakiri
1 Onty (Mr O)
1 Onty (Mrs O) (off the mark at last)
1 seekeerz
Well done all point scorers on such a difficult week.
That means we have had a shuffling around at the top of the leaderboard giving us a new leader.
The Leaderboard now looks like this:
8 elliemay1
7 BigMac
6 Brenden
6 Strix
5 owllady
5 tearinghair
4 beejay1124
4 cliffyg
4 deecee131
4 pixie373
4 rockfordill
4 roslyn251254
4 ulysses100
5 on 3 points
7 on 2 points
8 on 1 point
There is just one more game to play to complete the November challenge and the champion could be any one of those named above.
Make sure it is you by logging in to Q&P next Saturday morning after first tuning in to Princess Di's wavelength.
So until then,
Same time (9am)
Same place (Q&P)
Happy Linking