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bednobs | 16:29 Sat 30th Nov 2013 | ChatterBank
31 Answers
what the hell is this "craze" all about? They are EVERYWHERE but i honestly can't see the use of them - it's nice to be snuggly but surely that advantage goes the moment you want to go to the loo?
Do any abers have them? When do you wear them?


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I saw a couple in onesis in KFC yesterday, the woman in fact completed her bedroom attire with a pair of fluffy slippers too.
17:57 Sat 30th Nov 2013
I saw a couple in onesis in KFC yesterday, the woman in fact completed her bedroom attire with a pair of fluffy slippers too.
In town today, we saw a group of eleven to twelve year old girls wearing onesies. They all looked absolutely frozen.
I have one. It's not hard to go toilet.
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classy B00
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ummmm, i didn't mean it was hard, just not very toasty
Are they warm? My dressing gown needs replacing and I could do with a laugh.
They're the 21st century shellsuit, people who wear them will look back in a few years time and realise how stupid they looked
Luckily no one to see me. Actually put on clothes to go out.
I don't mind onesis, id like a pair myself, however they'd be restricted to bed and house.

The thought of people pottering out and about in 'em then going to bed in em as well leaves me cold- it's revolting.
My 3 youngest love them (only wear them inside though). I wouldn't wear one- it's an oversized babygro.
Trying to cut down on the heating. Cold = miserable.

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