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I Can't See It...

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sandyRoe | 10:01 Thu 05th Dec 2013 | ChatterBank
17 Answers
There's supposed to be the image of a ghost here. If there is, where is it?


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I was looking at that last night. It`s just a wall that`s caught a bit of illumination from that light.
Yeah, I looked at that earlier, sandy. I couldn't see anything either.
I can't see it, either, sandy.
Question Author
Are we looking at a nebulous dwarf ghost there?
I'm not convinced.
Now I see it, thanks emeritus.
I can't see it on the other picture either
Looks a bit like a Jawa to me, or it could just be a wall, I know which one I favour.
top left mid centre on the stonework ?
It's a faint smudgey white area, in the shadowy blackness of the door. In the report it say hovering over the door.
Nope.....can't see
Question Author
To the left of the arch, between the two vending machines, is that it?
I spotted it straight away although I'm not convinced it's a ghost.
Nope, still can't see it on your link, sandy.
Now it's been pointed out I can see a smudgy white area, but it's not a ghost, as they don't exist.
You can only see it if you believe (I can't)

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