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Classroom Assistant

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rebajayne | 14:11 Fri 02nd Dec 2005 | Jobs & Education
5 Answers


Does anyone kow how i go about trying to find a classroom assistant job.

I live in Leeds, i keep looking in the paper but dont ever recall seeing one in there for this line of work




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Why not use google?

Jobs within schools tend to all appear within a short time-span of a few weeks. This is because most contracts finish at the ends of April, August and December so there are 3 main recruitment periods each year.

Leeds City Council currently have no vacancies listed for classroom assistants but you can keep checking by using their website here:
(Select 'Council Vacancies' from the 'Most Popular' links. Then set 'Job Type' to 'Teaching & Pupil Support').

Further information about this type of work is here: obprofiles/profiles/profile180/

Hoping this helps,

I used to be a Learning Support Assistant similar to classroom assistant, but on a 1-2-1 basis with a child with special needs. I know that a lot of these jobs are filled internally and that is why you rarely see adverts for them, your best bet would be to see if you can get a job as a dinner lady (although they call them midday supervisors now) and keep your ears open and let it be known that you would like to be a classroom assistant and then when a vacancy occurs you are already known to the school etc, making things much easier. Also in the school where I worked we never had the budget for classroom assistants so Learning Support was the only option. Although what Buenchico says is correct about the contracts, most LSA's are on a temporary contract which means that should the child being supported leave the school or no longer needs support you have no job or it works the other way in that you only need to give a month's notice if paid monthly. As I have no experience of Classroom assistants, I cannot say what sort of contract they would have.
Just to add a little to Jules answer, perhaps you could volunteer to help out in a classroom at your choice of school on a regular basis. You will be able then to gain valuable experience - good for future job interviews. Several people at my school have started this way. You will need to have a CRB check before you work with children. If you have a First Aid qualification this could also put you in a good position for employment.
hiya,my wife is a teaching assistant at my sons school she was offered the job after working unpaid a few mornings a week and she says there is a national qualification for teaching assistants. i hope this helps

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