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Who Do You Recognise?

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Buenchico | 09:45 Mon 16th Dec 2013 | ChatterBank
71 Answers
Can you identify the following ABers?

1. Whose username is defined in the dictionary as 'an aquatic bug of genus Notonecta'?

2. Who went from shoes to news?

3. Who splits logs and blows up toasters?

4. Who is the best of the 'best'?

5. Who struggles to polish their Polish?

6. Who loves their ASBO?

7. Who crosses a field to get to a pub, often well after most other ABers have come home from the pub?

8. Who is 'chicken' when it comes to chicken?

9. Who could wear Stubbies (and may well do, for all I know) and drink from stubbies (but doesn't)?

10. Who has a photo of JJ?


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oh my, he looks as though hes been coloured in with crayons :)
we/ve got a stray that comes visiting with that creamy colour all over. new this winter. was trying to eat the crumbs put out for birds but i managed to find him something better than that.
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Thanks, Anne.

Strays tend to become residents in my house. Patches walked through my cat flap in mid-October and calmly helped herself to a meal. I'd never seen her before. (She wasn't the least bit worried about being out of her natural territory, or by having me around). Later the same day I was sitting at my desk and I suddenly felt a cat land on my lap. It was Patches again, who simply fell fast asleep. That night she jumped on my bed and slept alongside me all night. She's been here ever since! (I've looked everywhere for 'missing cat' posters and asked neighbours if anyone recognises her but nobody knows where she came from).

However she can't totally rule the roost because there are other feline visitors who've been around much longer. The other night Patches was only one of three cats sleeping in my bedroom! (The others belong to neighbours without cat flaps!).
Love it, Chris - you're clearly a safe haven!
i have a friend who is a cat lover in extreme. she has 17 cat flaps in her home so that they can all get whereever they want to be.
what a busy bed you have chris :)
Ooo I'm flattered, but how did you know about the beer ?
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Sorry for the late response.

There was a recent thread about the price that England cricket supporters were paying for beer in Oz. You mentioned on there that you don't drink beer. However, if your memory is that short, perhaps you'd better start!
Why ? Will that improve my already shot memory ? Lol Chris, I'm sure it was the double Black Russians I drank in my younger days that are responsible for my hazy recall now !

Btw how did Patches cope with your days away ..I see you're still 'together' were you sent to the doghouse ?
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Patches way of greeting me is simply to run under my desk when I come home. No, she's not scared of me; it's simply that her favourite game is chasing the reflections from my watch, as I move my wrist about, under there! (She's a very strange cat but that's probably no different to any other cat!)
Blimey, I well out of touch on AB, only recognised Barmaid and Stewey.

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