I have a suspect skin cancer right on top of my scalp.
Due to have it removed on Christmas Eve!!
Told today it may need a skin graft - anyone know what this involves?
Merry Christmas to all
. . . and a very Merry Christmas to you as well! http://www.plymouthhospitals.nhs.uk/ourservices/cancerservices/skin/Pages/SkinGraftsforSkinCancer.aspx
Many thanks. Buenchico for very helpful advice.
Looks like lots of visits from District Nurse as I live alone.
Hope to spend Christmas with my daughter - but am now feeling very self-conscious about it all.
My Mum had a skin cancer removed from her scalp right in her hairline at the front. It honestly wasn't horrible looking and, apart from wearing a hat when she went out, she went about her life as usual. Please don't let it spoil your christmas.
Sounds like a good excuse to wear the dreaded paper hat at Xmas! :)
Sounds bad timing, but I am sure all will go well, and I am certain your daughter will do everything she can to minimise any feelings of self-consciousness you might have.
Thanks everyone for your encouragement - hasn't been the happiest year of my life so roll on 2014.
Hope all goes well on Christmas Eve so that I can enjoy being with my daughter and son-in-law and to seeing some of the 16 greatgrandchildren!
Best wishes to you all - will raise a glass to absent friends.
Goodnight, God Bless.